N Rich Nutrition | natural way to healthy life
  • Mon-Sat : 10:00AM - 7PM
  • 229, Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi Pin- 110029
about about
How we work
Our approach

Define your goal, plan a customised diet plan, track your progress periodically and Review and reach your ideal goal.

Scientific 4 steps approachfor any diet program

  • Detoxification: This promotes metabolism, helps the body get rid of toxins, and improves general health.
  • Rejuvenation: The process of rejuvenation entails providing the body with foods high in nutrients, antioxidants, and vital vitamins and minerals.
  • Nourishment: It involves choosing foods carefully to give the body the components it needs for healthy growth and operation.
  • Maintenance: The process includes portion control and regular exercise, which help to maintain the body's health and fitness.
Consultation process
3 easy steps
Choose your diet program

Choose your diet program and connect through call or WhatsApp

Onboarding process

ONE TIME Onboarding process with required details

Regular follow up

Regular follow-up by a dietitian can help you achieve your nutritional goals, manage chronic conditions, and improve your overall health and well-being.